How to keep your website and your business secure Starting March 2020, business life as we knew it changed drastically. The pandemic brought on a hasty “work from home” for many companies. Insurance consumers moved their search for policies to an online marketplace, and insurance companies and agencies struggled to launch appropriate technology. Unfortunately, hackers… Read More
News & Resources
Four priorities of accessibility compliance
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), any organization that serves the public has a legal and ethical responsibility to ensure that their programs, goods and services are accessible to people with disabilities on equal basis with the rest of the public. While ADA accessibility encompasses a wide spectrum of possibilities, a main component is… Read More
How employee recruiting can help reduce workers’ benefits claims
Did you know that your practices and procedures for employee recruiting can help reduce workers’ benefits claims? Recruiting, hiring and training new workers, along with managing and retaining them, is a growing challenge for many employers. Four generations are active in today’s marketplace, from Baby Boomers to Gen Z’ers, each with their own traits, values… Read More
Help your clients mitigate commercial property risks
As a commercial property owner or manager, your insurance client assumes responsibility for maintaining their building and surrounding property. Whether they own or manage retail, office or industrial buildings or apartment complexes, failing to adequately maintain the infrastructure could lead to major property and liability losses. Share these tips from Zurich to mitigate their commercial property… Read More
How you can prevent business fraud at your company
Is your company at risk? Steps to prevent business fraud Employee dishonesty is more prevalent than we’d like to admit. Let’s face it: No one wants to think that one of their hand-picked employees may be stealing from them or cheating them. Yet it happens more often than we’d think. “Occupational fraud is very likely… Read More
Maintaining safe playgrounds
Playgrounds are essential components of parks, schools, camps and anywhere children gather to play. By design, playgrounds encourage children to grow physically, mentally and socially through creative play and calculated risk-taking. This places a great responsibility on the adults who design and maintain them. Any organization that owns or operates a playground should routinely check… Read More
Steps to prevent winter property damage to roofs
Depending on where you’re located, winter can wreak all kinds of property damage, from pavement upheaval, power loss and frozen pipes, to roof collapse and water intrusion. That’s why it’s critical to take steps to prepare for and prevent winter property damage. However, says FEMA, most buildings are not at risk of snow induced failure. “More… Read More
How a fire extinguisher works
Fire extinguishers are effective tools for preventing the spread of fires if used properly, but rarely do we consider how they function. This quick article outlines their operation and how they extinguish flames. Without understanding how a fire extinguisher works, tribal employees may not be able to effectively use one in the event of an… Read More
Prevent winter slips, trips and falls
Winter weather may look magical, but the slush, ice and snow that come with it can make walking a treacherous activity. Slips, trips and falls are a leading cause of injury worldwide, and seasonal precipitation in winter months can greatly increase the likelihood of these types of injuries. Protect the people at your facilities by… Read More
Inspect facilities for accessibility to enable the disabled
One of the main goals of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is to afford protections for those with disabilities in public spaces. While great strides towards this goal have been made since the act was first passed, complete accessibility for everyone remains an ongoing journey. Every person’s needs are unique, and the term “accessibility”… Read More